Many companies have come forward to produce drugs out of which some have been successful. FDA hasn’t approved a valid antidote for cocaine overdose as of 2016. NIDA is working aggressively to produce an antidote for the addiction. No tests have been conducted on humans yet to produce antidotes. Two of these are dexmedetomidine and rimcazole. There is no officially known antidote for cocaine addiction. There are few drugs that are known to have shown some positive results on animals. No antidote available to reverse the addiction Cocaine changes every way you think and makes it hard to quit. People who are addicted need at least little cocaine to feel okay, no day-to-day pleasures, stress, memory problems and finally you forget that you are addicted to cocaine. People who abuse the drug tend to feel worse after every cocaine use and intolerance increases. Normal recreational use of cocaine releases lots and lots of pleasure hormones in the body making you feel happier and more enjoyable. The user craves for more and more of cocaine each time. Once a person is addicted to cocaine or crack cocaine, it is extremely hard to come out of addiction. The dangerous and powerful drug is not only hard to quit but also it is rare to come out of cocaine addiction. Top 10 Horrifying Parasitic Infections 10. This post would give you shocks through your spines by showing us top 10 shocking facts about cocaine and cocaine usage. This deadliest drug can even kill you suddenly. It can damage your brain and all your internal organs. Cocaine is extremely powerful to get addicted even by using it for the first time. Cocaine is a commonly used drug for abusing, for pleasure and for getting high. Some of the most commonly used drugs are cocaine, heroin, alcohol, hallucinogens, Marijuana, MDMA (ecstasy/molly), tobacco and steroids. Every year a new variety of drug is produced. Millions of people all over the world get addicted to drug abuse. Drug addiction is the biggest problem faced by today’s youths and youngsters.