Raid Marker Bar for quickly placing target and world markers.Target by count on nameplate for the number of party / raid members targetting that unit.Threat percentage on nameplates for target, mouseover and boss nameplates.
Hide mini map during combat (disabled by default).Mini map buttons can be skinned and placed on their own bar that can be moved around.Location information above minimap with coordinates.Automatic drop of farming tools when leaving the farming area (configurable).Automatic target and planting of seeds when in range of a tilled soil (quick planting of seeds).Extra action bars for farmers while visiting Sunsong Ranch showing seeds, farm tools and portals.Equipment Set Overlay for your bag and bank slots showing the equipment sets for an item.Equipment Manager with automatic changing of equipment set when changing specialization or entering a battleground / arena.Quick datatext configuration by CTRL-ALT-RightClick on any datatext panel.Item Level data text for a quick glance at your currently equipped item levels.Target Range data text module displaying the range to your currently selected target.Fully configurable extra datatext panels attached to the bottom of the three main actionbars.Automatic selection of highest vendor value quest rewards (you can still pick another if you like).Automatic role detection for battleground and party/raid groups.Automatic changing of the watched faction on your reputation bar to the faction you got reputation points for.Auto release in battleground after player dies.
You can download it at, don't use the Curse version, it is outdated.įor more information see this ( Wiki). Please Note: This add-on will not function without ElvUI installed.