Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision
Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision

  1. #Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision mod
  2. #Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision free

If you'd like to host an AMA, please contact the mods. Queries are fine to post in entirety otherwise ask for someone to critique and what you want critiqued but do not post the work itself.

#Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision free

You are free to ask for beta readers or seek people to critique your work - but do not post the work. Post containing entire chapters or links to google docs will not be permitted. Rule 4: No posts Containing Chapters or Links to Works The moderators will remove without warning any post that has not been previously cleared by them and appears to be self-promotion, a call for submissions, or an advertisement. Reach out to the moderators if you have questions on this. We rarely, if ever, allow self-promotion, calls for submissions, or advertisements. Rule 3: No Solicitation or Self-Promotion But even if you disagree, be courteous, be respectful. Posts that do not contain enough information to start a conversation about writing for young adults (or middle grade) or reading young adult will be removed. Rule 1: Posts Must Be Writing or Reading Related You may link articles from your blog if they pertain to YA or writing and begin a discussion. Social media profiles, splash pages and purchasing links are not appropriate, unless hosting an AMA.

scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision

While it's fine to talk specific work you're developing, marketing, craft, or the business side of YA, any links or posts that are solicitations for sales, followers, ratings etc. This is a place for discussion, not sales pitches. Want to know if your query responses are normal? Looking for good comps for your YA? Ask us! The Basics We also welcome questions about writing, the industry, YA, querying, etc.

scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision

#Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision mod

Join hereĭerogatory or inflammatory language may result in temporary or permanent ban, at mod discretion. Hopefully we can all learn from each other and write great books! We also do have an official discord. Feel free to discuss titles, characters, plots, themes, settings, critiques, and any information pertinent to authors and genre. Discussing your original WIP (work in progress) is our purpose.

scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision

This sub is for authors and writers of YA novels.

Scrivener 3 how to go back to early revision